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Google Ads In Newspapers

Yes its true, Google has plans of entering the so far uncharted waters of print advertising. This new idea is a step towards their goal of developing a single system through which their advertisers can publish their ads in any medium of their choice. This creates a rather curious situation for newspapers. They are suffering fom decreased revenues and sales because of the internet and it seems as if the internet will be the one that will come to their rescue.
Many high profile newspaper companies such as The New York Times Company and the Washington Post Company have agreed to try this system out. About $48 billion is spent in the United States every year on newspaper advertising and Google wants a share of this pie. This system is also good for newspapers because out of the space that they allot to ads almost always some space is left unutilised. With Google small advertisers will also be access this service and get their ads on meropolitan newspapers which was difficult for them earlier.
Advertisers then can log into Google's main advertising system, known as AdWords, and click to go to the newspaper section. They will see a list of the participating papers and the sorts of ads that are available. They can then enter a bid for a certain type of advertisement, specifying the section and date range. Newspapers in turn see these bids and accept the ones they want.
One fact that stands out here is that there is no guarantee that the ads will be placed in the newspapers as the advertising space is often undecided almost until the last moment.
In the beginning Google will not be paid during the test. It will get a share of the revenue later on. This test will probably start later this month.
This news was sent by Vyom Mahadevia who blogs here



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