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Adsense | Finding Your Niche

One of the most absurd tendencies that I have seen in upstart adsense publishers is their tendency to try and find lists for the highest paying keywords and their almost always futile attempts at making money from them. What they do not realize is the fact that the list is not just available to them, it is also available to the hundreds of adsense gurus out there. These are the people who have spent a portion of their lifetimes researching on adsense and search engine optimization and chances are that you will be competing with these people. I am not discouraging you, once you are experts then the sky is the limit but until then it is best that you build sites for the keywords which are in the middle rung. Try your hand there and once you are fairly sure about yourselves then go for the highpaying keywords.
One advice that any adsense guru will give you is to create a website based on something you are interested in. This makes sure that you will always be motivated enough to find content for your site and update it. This is actually very good advice but what you really have to do is find your own niche. Lets look at an example, suppose I am interested in softwares then there is no way i should attempt to create a website simply on softwares because on search engines you will be competing against page rank 8 websites topping which is well.... difficult. So you try and narrow down, what are the softwares that I am interested in? Lets consider its photography related software.... even within that you may find newer and newer topics.
The basic advantage that you are using now is the fact that big websites do not have the time to concentrate on small areas. Thats where you have to focus.



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