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A Tragic Adsense Story

I dont know if the guys at google read my blog or not but if they did then this one is going to flatter them. Well this is the story of how my friend tried to break the terms of agreement that came along with being an adsense publisher and how he got royally screwed for that.
Well it all started out very logically. My friend figured out that even if he himself clicks on his ads they are counted in Adsense while from what he had heard our own clicks on our ads are not counted. But he decided to be on the safer side and called up all his friends and asked them to click on his ads and with a smug smile on his face thought "Ha! there you go, maybe Google would have figured out who clicked those ads from their IP adresses but they wont have a problem with people from different IPs."
Smug in this realization he lived hapilly for a few days until he realized another Adsense truth: CTR. Thats the click through ratio. Its the perecent of people coming to your site who actually click on your ads. The fact was that most of the time for most people CTR stays around 3%. Even on very well optimized sites it stretches only upto 15% and my friend here had a CTR of about 200%. This would have been highle dangerous and in a desperate attempt to reduce his CTR he started viewing his own page from his place an unbelievably large number of times: like about a hundred a day. This was the proverbial nail in the coffin.
Google's filters obviously must have tripped and one very gloomy day he receives a rather circumspect letter from Google informing him that his account has been cancelled. Permanently.
I donot intend to write this as a sob story, rather its about what we can learn from his mistake, what are the adsense lessons that we can get from this story?
1) This is like the most cliched one but nevertheless honesty is the best policy. We came to know later that there exists software which can track not only how many clicks were made on which ad units but also where they were from. Now if there are softwares available for that then surely Google can know about it too.
2) The amount of money that Google pays you is directly proprtional to your quality, evaluated by a benchmark known as the Google Page Rank so its in your interests to make your blog or site as good as possible.
3) Google knows how to differentiate between genuine and casual clickers. A genuine clicker being genuinely interested in the ad will actually perform some action on the site where he has gone to. You are paid more if the clicker does that.
4) The reason why Adwords and Adsense is the most trusted ad "agency" is the value it offers to the advertisers. The Money that my friend earned was duly returned to all those people who had given those ads.
The only thing I would advice is never try to cheat Google. They are way to smart. You can earn loads of legitimate money anyway then why be evil?
The guy in question blogs here.


4 Responses to “A Tragic Adsense Story”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    His page shows the ads again. Do you know how did he manage to get his account back?  

  2. # Blogger Dijo

    Yes, he managed to register under his dad's name, gave his grand dad's address..  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I'd think that Google also compares web sites' addresses and doesn't allow reinstatement on same domain, but apparently this is not the case, thank you a lot for that info! Keep up the good work :)  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    even i tried to cheat adsense...but acted like a genuine publisher but still failed....
    check out my interesting story here  

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