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Reliance Fire | The Good It Could Do

Today morning was very satisfying on two counts. First I had my morning cuppa with my newspaper. Two days without your newspaper can be horrifying. The second was today's headline. That was about the fire at the Reliance refinery. Now the obvious question that arises is how does that cheer me up? Well it goes something like this.
The major reason for pollution as well as our dependance on other countries is our need for oil. Alternative fuels are the only way out of this. Till this point everybody is ok with me. Now comes the vital part, how do you encourage the innovators to work on these fuels? Well adversity is the mother of all inventions. Once the fuel prices rise high enough innovation will be imperative and will be fast too.
All you aunties and uncles who are horrified by this idea, Iam sorry that it seems like the only way out.
All my hopes seem to have been dashed as the governement has ordered IOC to export more gas. Sad. But there is still a way out of this way. This sounds even worse than the first one, increase taxes on oil: that too will have the effect of increasing the oil prices and will also result in the ripple effect that is described above.
Ofcourse an overnight hike would be disastrous for the industrial sector but a phased increase in taxes seems to be the only viable long term solution.
Would love to have your opinion on this.


2 Responses to “Reliance Fire | The Good It Could Do”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    God has blessed INDIA abunduntly it seems..u r not the FM or PM of India. Else you would have stramgulated the whole Indian diaspora with the crab in your brain. God Bless. Well nice matter but I dunno think the ideas are PRACTICAL.. any ?  

  2. # Blogger Dijo

    Maybe not very practical... but i think the only way out. Would like a debate... then maybe it will start taking some practical shape..  

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