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How Contacts Are Created

Not having an internet connection at my place forces upon me the ritual of marching off to a cyber cafe. Generally its a rather drab affair but yesterday was a very good example of how contacts are created. For starters let me introduce to my Cyber Cafewala hereby referred to as CW. CW is a character to say the least. He is the only guy in the whole of Ahmedabad who demands identification everytime you get in. On top of that he tries to be the friendliest guy in the whole world. Thats enough material to get on any one's nerves. Yesterday a man walked in expecting maybe an hour of virtual Nirvana.
His hopes were rudely shaterred though when CW demanded identification. Being a true blue Indian the guy did not have his driving license on him. And he said, "Cmon yaar. Its ok na. I am paying u na so why bother?" Being the thickhead he always was, he said: "Sir if you do not have proper identification then you can please leave." This was said with a finger pointed at that guy. This was all that guy needed. He burst into an assault on CW's mom and sisters' characters. Not to be left behind CW reciprocated in kind. Being stronger the customer pinned him on the table. This is where it gets interesting: Both of them curse each other in English coz thats supposed to be prestigious u see. Then the customer tells him that: U do not know who iam (which was true considering the fact that he was there for the first time) i am the son of the DSP of this area. This got CW real worked up, " MF I am the CM's nephew." This instead of inciting laughter managed to scare the customer, who promptly left. CW ran to check the number of his car and called up some people who confirmed that it was not the DSP's son at all. The CM thing was crap too as the only person he knew turned out to be the village sarpanch. Real fun. Hope this happens everyday.


1 Responses to “How Contacts Are Created”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    hey dj.. this thing has been great i wish i too encounter such funny situation soon just to bring a smile on the readers face . U succeeded dude. Good going. Best of luck  

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