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Tricks People Use

Was reading the newspaper today when I saw an ad with an offer that went something like this: Work at home. Earn 15000 rupees a month. Only an internet connection required. It was useless for me of course as I do not have net at my place but I thought ki it wont do me any harm to ask them what it was about. I realized that they were paying the money for clicking on various ads given out by contextual advertisers such as Google and Yahoo. Moreover they were asking people to surf the net and go to their sites which would cause the traffic to the site to go up.
Now this might seem alarming to some people but fact is that about ten percent of all clicks on ads are fraudalent. Those are Google's numbers. Independent analysts put it as high as 30%. The good thing is that Google is very strict about implementing its terms of service and whenever an adwords user eports an un natural number of clicks and he reports it to Google the money is refunded most of the time.


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